Women In Trucking survey seeks gender diversity information

Published on January 7th, 2023.

The Women In Trucking Association is encouraging companies in transportation to complete a survey that collects data on gender diversity in the industry. The data will be used to develop this year’s version of the WIT Index, which is an industry barometer that measures the percentage of women who are professional drivers, in corporate positions, and serve in leadership roles.

WIT is requesting for-hire trucking companies, private fleets, transportation intermediaries, railroads, ocean carriers, equipment manufacturers, and technology companies to report the percentage of women in various roles in their workforces. Data reported will be kept strictly confidential and data will be reported only as aggregate totals of respondents. Interested participants can report their data via the live survey through April 21, 2023, at womenintrucking.org/index.

Participating companies in the survey will receive an executive summary of the 2023 WIT Index at no cost, which will enable them to benchmark their gender diversity practices against other companies in transportation.

Last year, the 2022 WIT Index found that the percentage of professional drivers who are female increased to 13.7%, an uptick of more than 3% since 2019. Additionally, the report found that women make up 33.8% of C-suite executives in transportation companies, 40.5% of safety professionals, and 74.9% of human resources and talent management roles.

“Since 2007, when the Women In Trucking Association was formed, the percentages of women in the industry have been rising significantly," said Ellen Voie, president and CEO of WIT, who spearheaded the launch of the first WIT Index in 2016. "In order to track these advancements, we created the WIT index to annually monitor the increase in female drivers, technicians, safety directors, managers, and even directors.” 

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